Vape Safe – demonstrating excellence in compliance
Vape Safe is our own trademark certification for clients to show their customers that they care about health and safety.
Since the introduction of TPD, professional and responsible vaping companies have invested in consumer safety, and have taken careful steps to confirm their products are compliant and safe to vape. However, in the market place there are a number of rogue sellers with a disregard for consumer safety and well-being.
Having the certification will signal to your customers that you are a reputable seller and they can trust your products.
How can the Partnership benefit my business?
Building consumer confidence in your brands
We have produced a new universal trademark for our customers to use to promote safe electronic cigarette and vape products. The artwork for the trademark is released to you once we have comprehensively assessed your products for safety and they have been listed with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) on https://cms.mhra.gov.uk/ecig-new
Providing reassurance to consumers
Our goal is to help inform your customers that as a responsible manufacturer your products have been rigorously tested against all current regulatory compliance and legislation.
Supporting the vaping industry
Our mission is to help and support vaping companies. We care about you as our customers and we want you, in turn to show your customers that you care too. Vape Safe allows you to let customers know that you have invested in their safety and well-being – strengthening your brand and reinforcing your values.
How to apply to use
If you would like to use our certification please speak to our expert, friendly team via phone +44(0)1302986088 or email hello@adactmedical.com.
We look forward to speaking with you soon.